Friday, May 25, 2007

Watch Malgudi Days Online

Click here to watch:

Missing mail episode

A horse and two goats

A hero Episode

Seventh house

The Hoard Part 1

The Hoard Part 2

Leela’s Friend

Source:Google Video,YouTube

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Funny Responses to Survey on Lecturer's Teaching!!

Yesterday I was surfing through YouTube and i came across this funny video about a
lecturer reading out comments made on him for the survey on his teachings.

Please do leave comments on this...


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Quote of the day

"I don't want Wealth and Fame

just Money & Recognition"

GMail-Increased attachment limit 20 MB!

Today,I was using my Gmail account and i could see a new alert on the top right hand corner ,where gmail usually lets you know about the new improvements of there mail services.This,time they have increased there attachment to 20MB!.Now you can start sharing videos,large presentations and files.
With YahooMail recently made there mail service storage unlimited ,this move by Gmail must be to keep competitors at bay .

Related links:Gmail New Service

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Quote of the day

"The Only Boundary to Learning is the
Scope of your Vision and Curiosity"

Starting from today you will be seeing new posting under the category called quotes which will be updated regularly.
What inspired me to do this?.I have been using train station from quite long time for my daily commute and today i happened to see some writings on a wall which described the construction of the train station and its style borrowed from different countries and at end of these writings it said...

"Always Look around and Inquire about Environment"

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Collection of Indian Ads-Get Nostalgic!!

Gone are the days when we use to sit in front of TV all day long flipping through channels,watching movies ,serials,sports with some refreshing ads,those ads which brought fortunes for many of the companies not to forget the money celebrities make through endorsements are forgotten or shelved.Here I am posting some of those Ads which bring back our childhood memories..Watch&enjoy!!

Airtel Ads
Airtel ad 1
Airtel ad 2
Airtel ad 3
Airtel ad 4
Airtel ad 5
Airtel ad 6
Airtel ad 7
Airtel ad 8

Fevicol Ads
Fevicol Katrina Ad
Fevicol Aliens Ad
Fevicol Bus Ad
Fevicol Rajasthan Ad
Fevicol Mseal Ad
Fevicol Elephant Ad

Amul Ads
Amul Ad 1
Amul Ad 2
Amul Ad 3
Amul Ad 4
Amul Ad 5

Cadbury's Ads
Cadbury Ad 1
Cadbury Ad 2
Cadbury Ad 3
Cadbury Ad 4
Center Shock Ad 1
Center Shock Ad 2

Chloromint Ads
Chloromint Ad 1
Chloromint Ad 2
Chloromint Ad 3

Bajaj Ads
Bajaj Ad 1
Bajaj Ad 2
Bajaj Ad 3

Misc Ads
glycodin Ad
Heinz Ad
Surf Excel Ad
RediffMail Ad
BoroPlus Ad
Temptation Deo Ad
Indian Matrimonial Ad
Camlin Ad

Nescafe Ads
Nescafe Ad 1
Nescafe Ad 2
Nescafe Ad 3

Aishwarya ads for loreal
loreal Aish Ad 1
loreal Aish Ad 1

A r Rahman music for ads
Cinthol ad-music by ARrahman
World ad space-music by ARrahman
Leo coffe ad-music by ARrahman
Volvic ad-music by ARrahman
Banyan Theme-music by ArRahman


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Sunday, May 20, 2007

New Element in the Periodic Table-Women

Element : WOMEN

Symbol : WO+

Atomic mass : Accepted as 53.6 Kg; isotopes may vary from 40-200 kg.

Occurrence : Copious quantities in all urban areas.


1. Boils at room temperature

2. Freezes without any known reason.

3. Melts if given special treatment.

4. Bitter, if incorrectly used.

5. Sweet as Honey if given a proper treatment.


1. Have great affinity for Gold, Silver and a range of precious stones and
absorbs great quantities of expensive substances.

2. May explode spontaneously without prior warning and for no known reason.

3. Most powerful money reducing agent known to man.


1. Highly ornamental, especially in sports cars.

2. Can be great aid to relaxation.


1. Pure specimen turns rosy pink when happy.

2. Turns green when placed behind a better specimen.


Illegal to possess more than one, although several can be maintained

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