Thursday, June 14, 2007

YouTube & Desi entertainer Websites Sports New Look

Don’t be surprised by the post title there is no connection between YouTube and desientertainer site. It’s just mere coincidence that both site changed there looks today.I have been working on this new template from quite a few days and finally today I pushed code to live

As you all can see I have come up with new 3 column template,which is more user friendly and looks much better than previous one. New Features in this version of template are
1.Easy access to older posts link can be found at the end of each post.
2.Tag Cloud, which keeps you in desientertainer site, compared to the previous one, which use to direct the user to technorati.
3.Easier to comment.
4.Included wider& more powerful Search box for easier access to web and desientertainer site resources.

Now coming to the YouTube ,it came with New beta version,the site has moved from 3 column layout to 2 column with the embed section placed below the actual clip.

Other features:
1.Videos can be shared on other social networking sites like reddit,digg,delicious,stumbleupon.
2.Videos can be embedded with or without the thumbnails
3.Main page search powered by google
4.Customize options for embedded videos

To access the beta version click on the text shown next to the video being played.

Snapshot of the text to be clicked shown below

Please do report bugs if found,Use comment section for this

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